Sunday, July 15, 2012
The day was clear , "No snow today ", She thoug ht as she walke d out of the gate. There was a soft breez e with a chill that brush ed her cheek . Letti ng out a sigh, she conin tued up the side- walk towar d the bus stop. The botto ms of her pants dragg ed behid e her makin g a sound the remin ded her of the sand at the beach . More high schoo l stude nts began to show up as she waite d for the bus. On Frida ys, the bus drive r seeme d to take his time and alway s trick ed the the stude nts of where he was going to stop to let them on. Flash ing light s turne d the corne r, for once the bus was on time. Today , all she could think about was him, it seeme d worse than the other days. She took the three steps up onto the bus then worke d her way to the back, takin g a seat she stare d out the windo w. The bus rolle d on and she sat still looki ng out the windo w with quest ions in her eyes. Very few peopl e under stood her, and he was one of them. It had been six month s since she had last talke d to him. With the probl ems betwe en his older broth er and her older siste r, they were held apart with no way to talk to each other . The sweet words he had last said to her playe d in her head over and over again like a broke n recor d, " I want to be there when you' re sad, hold you when you cry, be your one bone that will never break , and the kiss that never comes off your lips, I love you. " Those words seeme d so easy for him that night . " He's just a memor y now. " She whisp ered to herse lf. She wante d to forge t him, he left on his own once who' s to say he would n't do it again ? Her siste r tried to hook her up with other guys but it was hopel ess. If she wasn' t with him, she wasn' t with anyon e. The bus stopp ed infro nt of her highs chool hell. With anoth er sigh, she stood and walke d to the front of the bus, takin g the three steps down. She stood on the side- walk and stare d up that the old buili ng as if she were the three foot woman looki ng up at the seven foot giant . Every day she would stare that build ing wishi ng she could go home, but knew she could n't. It was hard for her to wake up in the morni ng to find herse lf in tears again . The bell rang causi ng her to jump. She knew she had to go insid e now. In the halls , she twist ed and turne d throu gh the maze of peopl e as they had all the fun witho ut her. Anoth er bell rang, telli ng the stude nts they had five minut es to get to class befor e being late. The halls clear ed quick ly, and befor e she knew it, she found herse lf alone once again . She hated being alone , slien ce frigh tened her. His words grew loude r, and she was going to be late. Takin g the stair s that turne d this way and that, she began to think of him again . " What if he was with someo ne else? What if he had stopp ed waiti ng for her? " The quest ions poppe d in her head makin g her heart drop. She misse d the wiegh t on the other side of the bed, his rough hands that brush ed her skin, velve t lips again st hers, and the stead y heart beat when she laid her head on his chest passi ng the minut e away toget her. She sat on the steps , placi ng her bag next to her and hung her head in her hands . She decid ed she wasn' t going to go to class today . "I can' t keep doing this. " She whisp ered. Tears began to fall down her cheek s, takin g her masca ra with them. She stood then picke d up her bag and began to walk down the twist ing stair case. Once outsi de she looke d at the sky, as if to ask where to go next. " Excus e me? Can you tell me how to get to room 113? " A voice came from behin d her. She knew that voice as if it were from a dream . She turne d with masca ra tatoo ed on her cheek s. He stood there , just like her dream s. " This isn' t real, this isn' t real. Wake up, wake up." She repea ted, placi ng her hands on the side of her head as if to stop it from spini ng and close d her eyes. "Oh my god- " He whisp ered. She felt his rough hands again st her face. Slowl y, she lower ed her hands and looke d up at him. His eyes held her, unabl e to look away. His lips met hers, causi ng her knees to grow weak. Catch ing her, he held her close like he would never see her again . He pulle d away and looke d down at her.
Wipin g the tears away he whisp ered, " Beaut iful"
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